“Broken Flowers” by h.koppdelaney is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.

The Grammy and Video music Awards have seen its share of controversies, and the 2023 Grammy Awards was no exception. Many fans from around the world including those in the Grammy audience were shocked to learn that Harry Styles won  best Pop Vocal Album of the year instead of Beyonce. Despite her loss in that category, Beyonce still made history by receiving the most Grammy awards of all time after winning Best Dance/Electronic Album of the year for her Renaissance album which contains the lead single “Break My Soul”.

“Break My Soul”, is a motivational and encouraging tune about standing up against the pains and disappointments in our lives and taking in more positive energy.

Experiencing pain and disappointments in our lives is inevitable. But how we choose to deal with these pains and disappointments is a personal choice.

“BEst-Friend” by Untitled blue is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


It has been said that , “The human body can bear immeasurable pain and yet recover. Wounds can heal. But once the spirit is broken, everything falls apart.”

There are many things in life that may cause our soul or spirit to be broken. These things may include: the demise of a relationship, death of a loved one or a shattered dream. And according to psychological research studies, when painful traumas are not adequately processed in your psyche, it can lead to poor decision making.

One of the signs of a broken spirit is addictive behavior (i.e., alcoholism, eating disorders, depression, sex addiction, perfectionism, controlims, etc.).  And healing from addictions can sometimes be a long arduous journey, but a journey that is necessary if you want to be set free.

Another sign of a broken spirit is bitterness which can negatively impact our health and relationships with others.  One of the best ways to combat bitterness is forgiveness, which can be more easily accomplished when you realize that “hurt people” hurt people. 

“ezekiel-36-26-i-will-give-you-a-new-heart-spirit-flesh-stone-broken-heart-dark-stonewall-pillar-ruby-red-green” by theoriginalhoodlum is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


“The human body can bear immeasurable pain and yet recover. Wounds can heal. But once the spirit is broken, everything falls apart”… Palden Gyatso

Healing from a broken soul is a personal journey that has no specific time table. Ideally, healing sooner than later is what most probably desire. But sometimes there can be powerful lessons learned along our journey towards healing. Here are a few things that you can do to help your healing process:

  • Acknowledge your pain 
  • Express your grief to others
  • Seek out new sources of joy
  • Mediate
  • Embrace a positive mantra
  • Seek professional support

Remember, healing takes time and courage.  And once you begin to heal, you will have better control over your thoughts and feelings.